ESB Extract ESB land registry uk ESB Property Ownership Search ESB Title Search
Information Extraction Specification
Do you require property owner information for your business?

If so we have a fast, high quality extraction process that searches the Land Registry extracting information from the Land Registry documents and provides it to you in Excel or via our webservices interface

This service is designed specifically for complete blocks of flats and is tailored for Property Management and Companies offering a Right to Manage Process

This information is provided in the Property Management Pack along with copies of the title registers
What's extracted
The following information will be extracted from the freehold and leasehold title registers provided by the Land Registry

Title Register Information Extracted
Freehold Freeholder name
Freehold Freeholder address
Freehold Freehold Land Title number
Freehold Leasehold Land Title number
Freehold Leasehold Flat number or letter
Freehold Leasehold Registration date of lease
Freehold Leasehold Number of years term at time of issue
Freehold Leasehold Commencement date of term
Leasehold Name of Lessee(s)
Leasehold Address of Lessee(s)
Understanding the Freehold Title Register
The freehold title register contains three sections and the information can be found in different sections

Section Description
Property register A description of the property and any rights that may benefit the property
Proprietorship register Who owns the property and any restrictions upon their power to deal with the property
Charges register Further information such as mortgages or rights that may adversely affect the property.
Schedule of notices of leases* Information on registered leasehold titles under the freehold title.
* Only exists for properties with leases such as blocks of flats
Understanding the Schedule of notices of leases
The Schedule of notices of leases section is the last section of a freehold register
if the freehold property contains leaseholds, for example a block of flats, then for each leasehold the details of the property are listed (not the owner details, these are recorded in the Leashold property register)
We will record the following details

Information Extracted
Land Title Number
Flat number or letter
Registration date of lease
Number of years term at time of issue
Commencement date of term
Example of a Schedule of Notices
Below is an example schedule of leases highlighting the information we extract
Schedule of Notices of Leases
Special Cases
Freehold Flat
If the flat is freehold (This is usually indicated by the flat not appearing in the schedule of leases) the following details will be entered for the leaseholder
Leaseholder information Information we provide
Land title number Freehold Title Number
Document name Freehold Document Name
Leaseholder name Freeholder name details
Leaseholder Address Freeholder address details
Registration Date Earliest Date in section A of the freehold register
Leasehold Commencement Date Earliest Date in section A of the freehold register
Leasehold Number of years term at time of issue Zero

Two or more addresses for the proprietor (freehold or leasehold)
If more than one address exists for either a freeholder or leaseholder then the first UK address will be entered

Two Freehold Documents for one request
Where two or more freehold documents are located for a single request and the freeholder details are identical on all freehold registers the documents will be combined into a single document

Contact Charles Spinks +44 (0)7811 106 749    Email